

village d'allauch

2 km from Plan-de-Cuques, 8 km from Aubagne, 10 km from Peypin, 12 km from Marseille, 14 km from Gardanne

GPS: Longitude: 5.480833 E - Latitude: 43.334999 N
Altitude: 228
Population: 18907

A small town located in the heart of the Garlaban hills, it offers 180-degree panoramic views, combined with the singing of cicadas and clear blue skies, and is just a few kilometres from Marseille and its beaches. Originally the property of the viscounts of Marseille, Allauch-le-Vieux was set on the current site of the Château de Fontvieille.

vue panoramique d'allauch

What to see and visit: the Esplanade des Moulins (the ruins of five 17th century windmills); the chapel of Notre-Dame du Château; the 17th century Saint-Sébastien church; the museum of old Allauch.
Available activities: walks and hikes, horse riding.

Provencal market: Wednesday and Sunday morning. Festivities: Foire à la brocante le 1er mai. Fête de la Saint-Jean le dimanche suivant le 24 juin, réjouissances folkloriques. Fête de la Saint-Clair le 2ème dimanche de janvier. Festival provençal début juillet. Messe de minuit provençale. Pèlerinage en septembre. Salon de la photographie au printemps.